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About me
I love films and watching as many different kinds I can. I love drama all the way down to comedy. A good film has no genre only good script. I would like to post a link to a extent site where you can watch most any movie you like for free. 10starmovies.com/ I recommend this highly and it is a extent way to view new movies.Occupation: film critic
SingleAbout my collections
I have spent most of my young adult life collection movies of all genre's. I pride myself in being diversified, and an intellectual. I love to study different directors. And their styles of film making. From Stephen Spillburg to Tim Burton.Lists
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(82 items)
Person list by ssjsavvybaby Last updated 13 years, 5 months ago
Recent reviews
Bad Teacher review

Love this movie watched it with my mother. It was so funny made me want to be a teacher.

Twister review

This film is one of my personal favorites. Staring Hellen Hunt, BIll Paxton. It is a thriller from start to finish. With a love triangle thrown into the mix.
This movie will have you covering your eye's and on the edge of your seat. Jo (Hunt) is a storm chaser recently divorced from her husband Bill (Paxton). Who comes back to town to get the final papers signed so he can remarry his new girlfriend. But Bill gets wrapped back up in the old group and chasing tornados. This is a movie you must see if you love action and thrillers.
This movie will have you covering your eye's and on the edge of your seat. Jo (Hunt) is a storm chaser recently divorced from her husband Bill (Paxton). Who comes back to town to get the final papers signed so he can remarry his new girlfriend. But Bill gets wrapped back up in the old group and chasing tornados. This is a movie you must see if you love action and thrillers.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape review

I adore this film. Johnny Depp and Leonardo Dicraprio are ground breaking and incredible. Lets not forget the stunning Juliette Lewis, or Mary Steenburgen. With a cast this talented and a script to die for you are in for a treat. Leonardo plays a mentally handicapped young man, who lives with his extremely over weight mother two sisters, and brother Gilbert. (played by Depp). This is an emotional ride that will keep you smiling and crying till the very end. I highly recommend this film for any movie goer.

Monster review

The performance's in this film delivered by Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci are nothing short of amazing. Theron goes under a dramatic transformation to become Aileen Wuornos. The beautiful starlet is hardly recognizable. I don't want to give any spoilers. But I can say without hesitation, watch this film.

This Boy's Life review

A excellent movie, however hard to watch. Leonardo Dicaprio plays young Jack, who's life is anything but a happy one. Robert De Niro plays Dwight boyfriend to Jacks mother, later husband. An abusive man overbearing and harsh. He makes everyones lives hell, this is a wonderful film. A great watch, you will cheer on Jack and hate Dwight.

And the Band Played On review

Wow is all I can say. This film not only hits home. But defines a generation, people now a days forget how scary HIV was. Not that it has lost it's deadly breath taking scare. But this film takes us back to the 1980s when we did not know what it was, where it came from, how you contracted it. This film is studded with a all star cast from Lilly Tomlin, to Richard Gear. And many more accredited actors and actress's. I recommend this film highly, a must see film for anyone.

Philadelphia review

This film is absolutely incredible. Breath taking performances by Tom Hanks & Denzel Washington. The film is about a Philadelphia lawyer who is suffering from HIV aids. He starts out working for one of the best law firms in the state. When a co worker notices a sore on his forehead, things take a turn for the worse. He is let go from the firm not long after. Reason, loss of a important document that is recovered in time for the case. However he is still fired. He believes it is due to his illness not the lost file. He decides to sue the law firm, and with the help of Denzel's character he makes history with a case based on discrimination against homosexuals. This is a wonderful movie that will make you laugh and cry, and above all reevaluate your own beliefs on alternative lifestyles. I recommend this movie for anyone who wants to see hollywoods finest at the best.

Girl, Interrupted review

Angelina Jolie is scary good in this film. Winona Ryder will capture your heart, and the rest of the cast will pull in you. This true story is amazingly accurate to the book. I would recommend this film to any one who is interested in history or mental health.

Little Miss Sunshine review

A truly shocking hit. The film delivers with a bang. It's a low budget film that packs a punch. The actors are extraordinary, the emotions are real. You will cheer on little Olive till the very end. A broken family has never been funnier or more heartfelt. The corky ways of each member of the family will both cause laughter and tears. From a suicidal gay genius to a wannabe father with a self help program. Little Olive is an endearing character who will grape you my the heart and demand your respect. I would recommend this film to any Indi film lovers. It's a true diamond in the rough.

Mystic River review

I absolutely loved this film. The acting is phenomenal. The story is excellent, I defiantly was pleasantly surprised when the credits rolled. I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good crime story. Besides from the crime and abuse in this film, it pulls on the heart strings of the human soul. It invited you into a what if world, and regret and shame. By the end of the film you will have bonded with certain characters. And feel satisfied with the end result even though it is somewhat immoral. Mystic River will keep you guessing the whole time, and deliver on this review with flying colors.

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